Who is in charge of the handling of personal data?

The handling of personal data is the responsibility of the Associació Centre d’Estudis I Documentació G. K. Chesterton (from now on CEDGKC), with CIF G672760, address at c. Diputació, 231, 4t. 6a. in Barcelona (CP 08007), telephone number 934541400 ext. 236, mailing address info@cedgkchesterton and website www.cedgkchesterton.cat. It is registered with the Registre d’Associacions de la Generalitat de Catalunya, secció 1a., on the date of 18 July 2019.

 For what purpose and with what legitimacy do we handle the data?

Contact. We manage the enquiries of the people who contact us via e-mail or telephone. We handle this data with the consent of the person who has approached us.

Management of associates. We register the data of people who become associates of the CEDGKC for the purposes of the compilation of the directory, internal organisation and forwarding of notices and information. The associates’ data is handled in compliance with the contractual relationship.

Management of our suppliers’ data. We handle the data from suppliers who provide services or goods to us. We obtain the necessary data to maintain the commercial relationship and use it only for this purpose. We handle this data in compliance with contractual relationships and legal obligations.

Delivery of information. The contact data is used, with prior authorization, to send information related to our activities. We handle this data on the basis of the interested person’s consent.

To whom do we report the data?

As a general principle, we only report data to the public administration and always in compliance of legal obligations. Transfers outside the European Union (international transfers) are never carried out.

For how long do we store the data?

We follow the legal obligation of limiting to the utmost degree the duration of the data storage. For this reason, it is only stored for the necessary period and with the purpose for which it was obtained. In particular cases, such as the data from the accounting documentation, tax regulations oblige to store it until any liability in this area has prescribed. In the case of data handled on the basis of the interested person’s consent, it is kept until this person revokes his or her consent.

What rights do people have in relation to the data we handle?

The people whose data we handle possess the following rights:

To access it. The right to know which personal data is being handled, what is the purpose of its treatment and any communications with other people, and the right to obtain copies of it or to find out the expected period of storage.

To demand its correction. The right to have inaccurate data rectified.

To demand its removal. The right to ask for the removal of the data when, among other reasons, it is not necessary for the purposes for which it was collected and that justified its handling.

To demand the limitation of its handling. In particular circumstances there is the right to demand the limitation of the data handling: it will stop being handled and will only be stored for the exercise of or defence against claims.

To portability. The right to obtain the personal data in a commonplace machine-readable format, and to transfer it to another person responsible for its handling if the interested party so decides.

To refuse its handling. By invoking reasons related to their particular situation, a person can ask us to stop handling his or her data if it can lead to any damages.

How can these rights be exercised or defended?

The rights we have just listed can be exercised by addressing a written request to the postal address of the Associació Centre d’Estudis I Documentació G. K. Chesterton (CEDGKC) or by sending an e-mail to info@cedgkchesterton.cat stating in all cases “Protection of personal data”. If a satisfactory answer to the exercise of rights has not been received, it is possible to file a complaint to the Agencia Españoola de Protección de Datos (Spanish Data Protection Agency), by means of the forms or other channels available through its website www.aepd.es.