
The glossary includes essential terms related to the person, life, and work of Chesterton. For reasons of space it must inevitably be incomplete. It includes the most important people – family, friends, contemporaries and adversaries -, the most significant places – streets, neighborhoods, buildings, literary, cultural and religious associations – and the most important public activities – conferences, debates, meetings, congresses , election campaigns and travel.

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There are currently 8 terms in this directory beginning with the letter R.
Railway Hotel
Hotel in Beaconsfield (Buckinghamshire), no longer in existence, where Catholics celebrated Mass in absence of a church in town; Gilbert converted to Catholicism in this ballroom turned church on 30 July 1922, assisted by Fr John O’Connor and Fr Ignatius Rice.
Small publishers in London where Gilbert worked for a few months as a reader in 1895.
Reform Club, The
Located at 104 Pall Mall (St James’s, London); Gilbert was a member and often went there.
Rhonda, Lady (1883-1958)
Welsh noblewoman, businesswoman and active suffragette; she was crucial in the history of the women’s suffrage in the United Kingdom; in 1927 she held a public debate with Chesterton on the idle woman; chaired by G. B. Shaw at Kingsway Hall (London), it was broadcast by the BBC.
Rice, Fr. Ignatius (1883-1955)
English Benedictine monk from Douai Abbey; he was head of Douai School (1915-1952); a personal friend of Gilbert, he was crucial in his conversion.
Romeva, Pau (1892-1968)
Educationalist, journalist and writer, as well as first translator of Chesterton into Catalan (Herètics, 1928; Allò que no està bé, 1929); he worked with La Nova Revista in its project of making Chesterton known, and at the newspaper El Matí, for which he translated a good number of Chesterton’s articles and explained his social doctrine, known as “distributism”; in 1936, as a posthumous tribute to Chesterton, he published in the Revista de Catalunya a serialised translation of The Man Who Was Thursday.
Russell, Bertrand (1872-1970)
British polymath, philosopher, logician, mathematician, writer, social critic, political activist and Nobel prize; he considered himself a liberal, a socialist and a pacifist, though he also suggested his sceptical nature made him feel that “I’ve never been any of those things in any profound sense”; in 1935 he held a public debate with Chesterton in the BBC on Who should raise our children?
Russian Revolution
The Russian Revolution was a political process, led by scientific communism, which culminated in 1917 with the overthrow of the tsarist system and the Russian Empire; for the first time, the modern world saw how the working class rose to power and discarded liberalism as the dominant political system, a fact which generated strong political and cultural reactions in the more traditional social circles.