Study Centre
The Study Centre regards itself as an active, open and participative platform for researchers, scholars and those interested in the figure, the life and the works of Gilbert Keith Chesterton, with the aim of making known and circulating his works and thinking as well as his relationship with Catalan culture. The project hinges on three key axes: the study and circulation of Chesterton’s work in its historical and cultural context; Chesterton’s ideology in contemporary Europe; and Chesterton’s links with Catalonia.
The discussion space is designed to publicize the projects carried out by our institution and to promote communication with the users. Our activity aims to giving public access to the documental archive; to supervising PhDs and other academic or research work; and to organising courses, lectures, topic-based exhibitions and international congresses and symposiums, as well collaborating with other entities interested in Chesterton’s life and work.
Activities and services

Despatx del CEDGKC
The Centre sponsors activities to make Chesterton’s life, works and thinking known to all kinds of public interested in the author and his time. Through public activities, project presentations, news updates and digital dossiers on studies, resources and current projects we hope to achieve the Centre’s foundational aim: to emphasize the value and validity of Chesterton’s work in a contemporary cultural context.
The Centre also promotes research activities through its own projects and through projects of a national or international scope, managed together with other institutions and researchers. It also sponsors and assists in related projects from other entities. The CEDGKC database is a research tool open to all citizens.
The Study Centre’s services are deployed in two large areas. The first is the information area, which seeks to handle the users’ enquiries regarding the Centre’s activities. The second is the assessment area, which responds to demands regarding the Documentation Centre’s database information, and supports projects and other work by researchers, journalists, undergraduates or high school students and the general public.