The G. K. Chesterton Study and Documentation Centre website

The G. K. Chesterton Study and Documentation Centre (CEDGKC) website is organised following the institution’s structure, functions and purposes. From the home page, the user can access the main information areas, which provide information on CEDGKC, information on Chesterton’s life, works, thinking and context, and information managed from the database which incorporates documents from the Centre’s archive.

CEDGKC webpage

  • Home
  • Project
    • Origin
    • Basic principles
    • Services
    • Activities
    • Team
    • Una breu història
  •  G. K. Cheserton
    • The man who was Chesterton
      • The man who was Chesterton
      • Profile
      • Works
      • Bibliography of Chesterton
      • Bibliography on Chesterton
      • Bibliografia de referència
      • Thought
      • Religion
      • Subjects
      • Locations
      • Cronologia
    • Chesterton’s world
      • A changing world (1715-1920)
      • On the optimism of the will in a Europe in turmoil
      • England, the spearhead of the industrial world (1750-1920)
      • Catalonia (1840-1936)
      • The unfashionable Spain (1850-1931)
      • Spirituality, idealism and materialism
      • On art and literature from the 19th to the 21st century
  • Chesterton in Catalonia
  • Study Centre
    • Projects
    • Assessment
    • Public outreach
    • Research
  • Documentation Centre
    • Management of document collections
    • Search engines
    • Inventories and guides
  • Contact
  • Help


  • Glossari
  • Atlas and Timeline
    • Atlas
      • Infographics
      • Maps
    • Timeline
  • Catalogues
  • Gallery
  • Search
  • Resources